Friday, February 15, 2008

Buenos Aires - la parte tres

Adrian's mom, Elisabeth, and her friend, Angela, arrived Wednesday after a long flight from the U.S. After they settled into the hotel we walked around the city a bit - visiting Plaza de Mayo and Casa Rosada (or pink house), which houses the presidential offices.

Later that night, we went to Siga La Vaca, or follow the cow, an all-you-can-eat parrilla. It was a little touristy, but the food was good.

On Thursday, we visited the cemetery - a crazy place that everyone should spend some time in. Everyone goes to see where Evita is buried, but there are other amazing crypts within the cemetery's walls.

Later, we took a city tour in one of those open buses, then hopped a cab to San Telmo for lunch. After lunch we went to La Boca.

The neighborhood is interesting although its touristy on the main streets and pretty dodgey outside of the main area.

We then capped the night off with a Tango show at CafeTortoni.

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