Thursday, December 6, 2007

Race Day

Up at 5am, at the start at 6am and the gun at 7am. The race starts at the fire station in Greenbush. There were about 200 runners amassed. 104 for the 50K and rest for the 50 miler. Above is a glimpse of the course.

The gun goes off and what seems like the whole group of runners pass me by. I don't look back, but I'm sure most of the runners are ahead. Fine by me I'm thinking. These are seasoned vets. Deep down I know most are going out too fast. It's a long race.

After a few miles I hook up with a group of 4 runners who appear to be friends and running this race together. Their pace suits mine, and I latch on to the rear and enjoy the run.

Aid stations are 8 miles apart and loaded with good food. Soups, chips, pretzels, pickles, olives (see a salt theme here?), and vitamin I as in ibuprofen. Very cool people are ready to help. Coming to the Butler Lake half way aid station I see my Mom, Tanya, Karina and Sierra! How's that for a cheering section?! It's so nice that they were able to meet me for my first trail ultra. Thanks you four!!

As I hit the turn around, this is an out and back race, I look at my watch and it reads 3:00 hours exactly. How cool! I'm feeling strong and my time is better than what I had expected. I'm a bit worried that I'll have the quad pain around mile 20 or so like I did at the Fox Cities Marathon, so my elation is tempered by caution.
I'll keep walking the up hills and shuffling a long with my pacesetter group of four a head of me.

The miles tick by and around 26 I feel like its time to reel in the group and pass them. As I take off a guy from Madison latches on and we start running up hills now too. 5 more miles and still feeling great! A bit of pain in the right IT band by the knee, but nothing a few Advil doesn't fix.

I hit a wall around mile 30 and my buddy passes me, but not before we pass a bunch of other runners. The last mile is tough but I know I'm close when I see the streets of Greenbush. Then, with just a few people amassed, the finish line comes into view. I cross at 5:58!! A negative split finish! I ran the second half faster than the first. I might be getting a hang of this sport after all!!

My time is good enough for a 39 place finish overall, 5th in my gender/age group and 29th out of all males. I'm tired but happy!!

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