Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tucson Marathon: Boston Qualified!

Feeling good after qualifying for Boston. The run was super. Thanks to Laurie for the good photos.

After 17 weeks of specific, desciplined (as far as you know) training, the goal has been reached.
In 2008, circa 3 months after finishing the Pacific Crest Trail, I ran my second marathon, this time in Tucson instead of Appleton, WI. Still being in good shape after the 2,700 trail, I ran a 3:19:ish marathon. The issue was 4 minutes. You see, the qualifying time for a 35-39 year old male is 3:15:00. Again, 4 minutes.

This time was to be different, and it was. I trained using Hal Higdon's Advanced II Marathon Plan. 17 weeks of solid, specific marathon training. It was fun, challenging and rewarding.
The group I found myself paired with was, by virtue of our desired finishing time, filled with strong runners and triathletes, at least two of which were previous Ironmen.
The crowd that started at about 10 runners finished with three at mile 25. At mile 26 I took off and left them behind to finish the race at 3:14:12. Goal acclomplished.
The next running events I plan on attending are Pemberton 50K, Old Pueblo 50 Mile, and triathlons are on the horizon.

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