Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Almost at the End of Day 3

The beauty of these mountains is the first thing that hits you. It is similar to the Swiss Alps, but not spoiled by all the lifts, gondolas and people.

The second thing that hits you is the difficulty of the trails. There are few climbing aids such as fixed ropes or handrails as found in Torres Del Paine and Europe.

Route-finding skills are an assest too. On several occasions we had to pull out the map AND compass....unbelieveable I know!!! :)

Here´s a small collection to round out day 3, the hardest day of the 5-day route.

1 comment:

Sis said...

I have got to tell you, these latest pictures really make me want to get out there and join you. It looks so beautiful & fun (despite the hard work--and I'm jealous of your buns of steel as I sit at my desk and eat leftover Easter chocolate ;) )