Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Steep Climbing on Day Three

We woke up on day three at Refugio San Martin/Jakob to clear bluebird skies and were soon informed by the family that operates the refugio we would be allowed to continue the traverse after all.

A number of other trekkers at the refugio were attempting the traverse and we decided to stick together that day. We started out with Team Norway, the American teachers and later the two Alaskans.

The day began with some steep climbing that took us above Laguna Tempranos, pictured below.

After reaching the first small saddle we proceeded to the left and over to another bench or col. Then we hiked across loose scree to the left again and then climbed up to another col.

This section was where routefinding was difficult and I finally realized why the Club Andino guys are nervous about tourists attempting this.

We traveled up a small ridge and then onto a giant flat section that Adrian described as a football field.

Climbing above Laguna Tempranos

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