Monday, November 3, 2008

It's a wrap! Sort of

It's been six weeks since we finished the Pacific Crest Trail, so I guess it's over. It's no longer appropriate to camp in my mother-in-law's yard.

Our vagabonding ways must come to an end.

And hey, what better time to be out there looking for a job, right? It's not as if there's an economic meltdown occurring.

On second thought ... Maybe now is not the time to stop roaming. Maybe it's just the beginning for us.

We should probably wrap up our Pacific Crest Trail stuff before I start talking about a new adventure. I received a number of e-mails or comments from people who followed our trail journal or blog. There were lots of questions about the trail. I'll answer them as best I can over the next few days. Each post will try and address a different question so people can focus on one subject at a time or skip it all together.

For example, I got a lot of questions about pooping, which is sort of odd because it's pretty straightforward. But hey, I'm here to help, so keep your eyes on the blog for a post on pooping in the wild.

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