Sunday, April 6, 2008

Latin-flavored swiss

What does a bustling Argentine town surrounded by mountains and lakes model itself after? Why Switzerland, of course.

Before and after our five-day trek to Nahuel Huapi, we stayed in San Carlos de Bariloche, located in the western side of the Rio Negro province. The town is smack dab in the middle of Nahuel Huapi National Park and it's main civic center is just up the hill from the Nahuel Huapi Lake.

The buildings in Bariloche's center are made of stone and log making it look like a cross between a Swiss and Colorado ski town.

There are St. Bernard dogs and puppies milling about and for a small fee tourists can have their photo snapped with one.

Bariloche also is known for its chocolate and dozens of chocolatiers line the main street. We sampled our fair share of the chocolate treats and brought along a small stash of them for our trek.

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