Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Our Pacific Crest Trail Hike Begins Soon

We're in Tucson preparing for our attempt to thru-hike the PCT, all 2600 miles of it.

We're hoping to keep this blog updated on our progress as best as possible with the help of Kirsten's sister.

We will be keeping a detailed trail journal on a different website. The journal will keep you updated on where we are, how many miles we've hiked and feature pictures we take along the way.

Please book mark this page, as it will direct you to our trail journal.

This pictures shows the entire trail.

The hike starts April 30 so please keep tuned!! Thanks!


Huey said...

Hello you guys, looks like your travels have been awesome. Just want to say hi, good luck on the PCT. I am completely envious. It will be an incredible journey, both mentally and physically. I will keep looking at the blog for updates. Travel safe.

Much Love-Huey

adrian korosec said...

thanks huey! we miss you and the family. please give hugs to them