Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thanks for the gift

Before I start some international incident or accidentally portray myself as an uneducated and uncultured American here is my little disclaimer: I acknowledge its beauty and realize this statue is supposed to depict a folktale although I haven't been able to nail down the exact story yet.
Ok, back to business. I came across this sculpture of a dog and nursing two babies as I walked around Bariloche. The plaque at its base said it was a gift from Italy. Not that this isn't a striking statue that is sure to evoke conversation.

But .... I have to wonder what the city's powers-that-be said upon receiving it. Um, gee thanks.

1 comment:

suzy said...

Hey Kirst- this is Romulus and Remus being fed by the wolf that raised them. They were twins, who were raised by wolves, later Romulus killed Remus, founded Rome, and probably this was a gift from the Italian government!!!