Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 10, 2008 Pacific Crest Trail

Destination: Manter Creek, Rockhouse Basin
Miles: 24

Today we began the first climb of the day right in the morning. Beautiful and Gorgeous were still eating when we hit the trail at 6:30 a.m., Sven was right behind us and stayed there for all of our 24 miles today. It was nice talking to someone from Wisco and we shared many interests.

We hit the highest elevation of the trip at 8,000 plus feet and descended into a burned area for a short while. We did the ravine cha-cha for about 6 miles until we hit camp at Rockhouse Basin, Manter Creek.

I thought my shin splints were all gone but they were back a bit after the above-mentioned descent. I'll wear the bandage again for a day or two more to see if I can shelve it for good.

We camped with Sven, Phew and finally Tree Beard, whom we had not yet met. For dinner it was tortilla soup again with Wheat Thins. Dessert was Golden Oreos.

Coming down into Rockhouse Basin gave me a sense that we are now truly in the Sierra. The huge granitic domes of the Domeland Wilderness dominated the skyline to the west and the Kern River flowed through the valley. Billy, Steve and I had climbed in the Domelands some 10 years prior and it was good to be back.
Good night...

Sometimes I'm a little chatty. No, really. This may come as a surprise to those who know me, but I can talk a lot. Since I've been on the trail, it's been different. Many days Adrian and I will hike for miles without speaking.

Today I reverted back to my old ways and Sven, Adrian and I talked the entire day. So it shouldn't have been a surprise that I developed a sore throat. One ricola lozenge solved the problem.

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