Sunday, June 8, 2008

May 31, Pacific Crest Trail

Destination: Sawmill Campground
Miles: 20

We got a ride from Chuck Norris (trail name) to the trailhead after stopping for coffee and a breakfast burrito at the local cafe. Doc had to buy some snacks so we bid him farewell. In the car with were Fight Club and Steph.

The climb out of San Franscisquito Valley was a couple thousand feet through mixed vegetation including chamise, chia, manzanita and conifers. It was a wonderful green. After cresting a ridge at 4,200 feet we descended to the Anderson water cache called Red Carpet, complete with the red carpet. There were the two girls Beautiful and Gorgeous, Greybeard, and Abacus. Later Walt and Steve showed up. We rested for an hour and a half before starting the climb to the north ridge of Liebre Mountain and the last Anderson cache, where we filled our water bottles for the last two miles of the day to our dry campground called Sawmill.

At Sawmill we met up with Zephyer, Little Wrangler, Darren, Piper and Steve. It was a windy night but the pines protected us and lulled us to sleep. Sleep well everyone...

My fears of hiking through the desert are abating, as we get closer to the Sierras. I am still nervous about these last 10 days or so until Kennedy Meadows, which are supposed to be the most difficult section of the desert.

I think about water all the time. I found that living in the desert is vastly different from hiking through it. I may have mentioned this before. I think everyone - especially those who live out West - should be required to hike for two to three through Southern California. I can tell you that you'll never find me watering my lawn at noon in summer. Hell, at this rate I may never have a lawn ever again. It wastes too much water.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I agree. Lawns suck.

I cant firgure out how to comment on the actual trailblog thingy, and I want to see when youre in Oregon. Can you read this? Sammy? Any help?