Monday, February 4, 2008


Well it's been a few days and so much has happened. First and foremost, Adrian appears to have summited on Saturday at about 2:15 p.m. I say ``appears`` because the e-mail I received from the guiding company only described it as the team. I can only assume that means everyone.

Lead guide Christian Santelices phoned the guiding company from Piedras Blancas high camp and reported quite a bit of fresh snow and difficult trail-breaking conditions.

Their plan was to descend to Base Camp Plaza de Mulas on Sunday and trek out to Pennitentes today. I have always understood that it takes three days, but maybe it will be shorter. Based on what the guiding company said that would bring Adrian back on Tuesday afternoon.


suzy said...

All of us here are so happy to know that Adrian has gone up and is now coming down! We love the blog, it gives us the opportunity to share in your experiences and to know that all is well, too. We miss you and love you, MOM

The Analytical Creative said...

great to hear!