Sunday, January 20, 2008

Off to Aconcagua

Well, it wasn`t easy saying chau to Kirsten this morning as we parted ways for 17 days. The anxiety of starting a big climb and concern for Kirsten`s safety while I`m away weigh heavy on my mind. The thing is, I`m fully aware that she is very capable of taking care of herself and I have no need to worry, but worry I do. I`m lucky to have found a partner so smart, strong and independent. I`m blessed.

I love you Kirsten.


suzy said...

Well, speaking as the "mother-in-law", Kirsten is so lucky to hae you and the same for you! Don't forget that Sammy's family will be keeping a watchful eye and will e there to help her! Be safe, we loe you! Suzy, Bill and Sammy

Samantha said...

that just made me cry

Maggie said...

I love the two of you in love.....always have. Remember the tears at the wedding? And no it wasn't just the dirty bananas, it was really because I couldn't have chosen a better man for my most favoritist girlie in the entire world.

Kirsten Korosec said...

Meg - I thought you were crying because the DJ kept playing 50 Cent.