Friday, August 15, 2008

August 10, 2008 Pacific Crest Trail

Destination: Just past a spring fed faucet
Miles: 22

Adrian: We got a late start out of Bob's place after dropping off Rooster at the hostel.

The trail wound up past Pilot Rock near Mt. Ashland, a ski area and into rolling Douglas fir trees.

We camped with Clearwater and Lorenzo next to a gravel road and slept well. We didn't get the 25 miles in we wanted, but we hope to make it up tomorrow with some bigger miles. We have no real schedule to keep and we have a little extra food, so we might ease up on the 25-mile days we planned on to make it to Crater Lake National Park.

I promise to bring back the mini-series soon. It has been hard finding the time to write during the day.

I weighed myself last night a came in at 165, about 15 pounds off my starting weight of 180. Not bad but I hope to lose a bit more before its over.

Walk good...

Kirsten: Getting started today was easier than I expected. I didn't have the typical town hangover and was excited to get on the trail.

Tonight we are camped with Lorenzo and Clearwater. Moonpie should be maybe two miles behind us. I expect she'll pass us tomorrow since she has to get to crater Lake by 5 p.m. Wednesday. Hiking with Lorenzo has been entertaining. He is always singing to himself and shouting exclamations like "I ah like ah too much" or "Bellisimo!" Sometimes his accent throws me off a bit. His English has improved significantly. Oftentimes I speak a Spanglish type dialect since he is fluent in Spanish as well as French.

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