Saturday, August 23, 2008

August 17, 2008 Pacific Crest Trail

Destination: North shore of pond in Diamond Peak Wilderness
Miles: 22.5

Adrian: The rain is starting to drip through a few seams on the tent as the droplets increase in size and speed. Kirsten is applying seamsealer to the problem areas but it's clear we'll have to wait until tomorrow when, hopefully, it will dry. We're running low on sealer so we have make it last. So, then, until tomorrow morning, drip, drip, drip...

We are camped at an unmapped and unnamed pond about 4 miles from the road to Shelter Cove.

Kirsten: We took it easy today and wiled away a couple of hours at Summit Lake before moving back onto the trail. It was a wonderful swim and the water was brisk. After I got out and dried off I looked into the water and noticed a leech. As I announced my discovery there were pants dropping everywhere as a leech check ensued. Luckily, we all came out unscathed.

Lorenzo's prediction was right on and around 6 p.m. tonight the thunder, which had been rumbling at a distance all afternoon, was soon right overhead. Large raindrops soon followed and everyone (Lil' Wrangler, Lorenzo and Don't Panic) bailed into the shelters. I think Lil' Wrangler ended up hanging out in the rain and building a fire because after the rain stopped I got out of the tent to discover a raging campfire.

Tomorrow we'll head into Shelter Cove where I hope to run into Beautiful and Gorgeous. Oh, that reminds me ... my birthday is coming up and I know you all probably want to send gifts. For those of you who are interested send gifts to me Kirsten Korosec, general delivery Cascade Locks, OR. Not that I'm expecting anything. :)

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