Miles: 20
Adrian: Today we continued our roadwalk a few miles to Cloudburst Summit where we reconnected with the path. The trail was mostly clear of snow as we descended into the canyon. We passed a Boy Scout camp called Glenwood. In retrospect, we could/should have made it here to camp last night but oh well.
The San Gabriel Mountains have been quite a challenge and they are not even finished yet. The cool weather and water have been a blessing, but the snow a curse.
We hit the trail again at Cloudburst Summit around 7,100 feet. The snow on the trail was minimal and the miles went smooth enough. Happy to out of the snow we moved north further into the San Gabriel Mountains.
Walt played Friend of the Devil and we all sang along. Good times.
Kirsten: Today was an improvement. It was still cold and wet. I can't believe I was wishing for the heat.
We've been hiking off and on with a few other hikers including Doc, a 57-year-old Wisconsin native; Yeti, who is a giant man; Walt, a damn good guitar player - and yes he is hiking with one; Steve, former Navy man; and Justin and Bert, two college buddies.
Tonight we all camped together and Walt played the guitar, which is amazing because it was about 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Brrrrrr...
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