Sunday, September 7, 2008

August 27, 2008 Pacific Crest Trail

Destination: Southwest slopes of Mt. Hood
Miles: 33.3

Adrian: A new record mile day for us. We did well considering the hills and weather.

The huckleberries were thick today and we stopped often to pick them a few feet off the trail. The berries grow on bushes from 6 inches to 3 feet high. The berries themselves are green when very young, then turn red on the road to maturation, and finally dark blue when ready to be picked. Yummy!

Again we hiked through deep pine forests laced with old man's beard moss, which I think actually may be a form of lichen. We hiked into the dark to do the miles. We wake in the dark and hike into the dark every day. This is a tough job.

Kirsten: PCTers who celebrate birthdays on the trail oftentimes hike their age. I'll be turning 33 (argh!) in Washington where the terrain will be more difficult so today I completed my birthday hike a week early.

I'm guessing the reason my hips ache and I can barely straighten my legs is because we've now hiked two 30-plus mile days in a row. I sort of feel like I did the first two days of the trail. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever to be able to walk like a 30-year-oldish person again or if I'll be stiffly stumbling around like a geriatric. Finishing a 33-mile day has boosted my confidence and I now feel more capable than ever. I'm not sure why I needed to hike 33 miles to reach this new level. I try not to argue with what works because frankly, it's too exhausting to analyze why and how I achieve things these days.

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