Sunday, September 21, 2008

September 16, 2008 Pacific Crest Trail

Destination: Baekos R., Glacier Peak Wilderness
Miles: 25

Adrian: I rested well last night after taking four Advil to take away the nagging pain of the injury. The good thing is that it feels better this morning and after a few miles warm up, it actually felt almost not so bad. I took a pain pill and did the miles.

We are camped with Hoffa near a creek that has a tremendous amount of huge fallen trees no doubt caused by a catastrophic flood. I hope there's not a occurrence tonight!

The views of Glacier Peak have been phenomenal. It's a volcano and has great symmetry and peak power creating a dramatic scene. Large glaciers tumble down all facets of the peak and create fast flowing, powerful, milky rivers. The rivers appear milky due to all the silt release from the glacier above. These rivers offer sub-standard drinking water but don't panic as there are many tributaries that provide clear, cold agua.

Kirsten: The sunrise this morning may be the best I've seen on the trip. Maybe the sunrise was so sweet because Adrian's calf muscle appears to be OK. It's sore, but walk able.

The trail is certainly tougher than many parts of the PCT, but some how it seems easier than parts of Oregon. The scenery is amazing here and rivals the Sierras. I think I like it even more because of the lack of people. Everything here is wild and I wish I had more time here.

Adrian mentioned yesterday he couldn't imagine having to get off the trail. Today we met Rapunzel, who is getting off the trail because of a knee injury. She seemed to be handling it well. Much better than I would be. I'm crossing my fingers these days for two reasons: No injuries. No rain.

Please let us get through this unscathed.

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