Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 11, 2008 Pacific Crest Trail

Destination: Spur of Three Queens, Alpine Lakes Wilderness
Miles: 16

Adrian: I'm quite pleased with the miles this afternoon. We climbed steadily from Interstate 90 at 3,000 feet to over 5,600 feet a few miles on.

I had a great hand-dipped corn dog yesterday that I forgot to mention. It was muy bien!

Kirsten: Our stay at the Summit Lodge was restful and the staff incredibly accommodating to hikers. Our efforts to resupply at the convenience store and "grocery" store didn't go quite as well. I won't use the term price gouging because I'm sure these business owners have expensive leases. I will suggest to any future thru-hikers reading this journal: Ship yourself a box.

After picking up some pricey food, we hit the trail and quickly rose above the noisy Interstate 90. The trail today was beautiful and I quickly forgot about the clear-cut areas we walked through just two days prior. Our group - as I predicted - has broken up for now. Don't Panic went into Seattle to visit family and Hoffa took off early this morning in an effort to meet friends some 50 miles from here. Adrian and I camped by ourselves tonight after passing the rest of the group. I keep saying group because, well, it's annoying to list everyone's name and we all agree that the name Fellowship of the Ring is dorky.

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