Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 6, 2008 Pacific Crest Trail

Destination: Bumping River, William O. Douglas Wilderness
Miles: 15

Adrian: I woke up a bit groggy this morning after Kirsten's birthday celebration last night. Nothing major, but our lack of alcohol intake coupled with significant weight loss has dramatically lower our tolerance so a few Miller beers go a long way.

After breakfast we went to the store to buy food, about four days worth for the 100-mile stretch to Snoqualmie Pass. As usual, I bought too much food. We met Landshark and Caterpillar at the coffee shop and found out they already secured a ride back up the pass to the trail for us! That's huge! After a quick burger and fries we were dropped off at the trailhead. Thanks Don!

Despite our very heavy packs, the fifteen miles peeled off quickly with only one rest stop. We are very fit at this point and it takes at least a 1,500-foot climb to even break a sweat. The near perfect hiking temperature helps for sure.

The spruce trees and meadows provided lovely hiking scenery. Some of the huckleberry plants are turning colors already reminding us the window of good weather is slowly closing causing us to wonder...will we make it in time before it closes?

Walk good...

Kirsten: Packwood is an interesting little town. It is not really cutesy touristy. Some may even say a bit hickish. The town sits in a valley with forested hills in the foreground and an often cloud enshrouded Mount Rainier sitting in the background.

I'm happy to be back on the trail today and can't quite believe we're heading towards Snoqualmie. Tonight we're camping with Jesse, Landshark, Caterpillar, Clearwater, Hoffa and a British couple - Yankee Clipper and the Duke. Moonpie is intentionally slowing down to be able to meet up with her boyfriend, a 2006 PCT thru-hiker. Hopefully she catches up with us in Snoqualmie.

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